Families of "Region"
The Venter Surname Project is dedicated to collecting and distributing information about the Venter family name, as well as its related cognates. This effort has lead to the collection of historical information on Venter, Fender, Fenter, Vender, and other related family surnames from around the world. This section of our site contains the information we have collected from sources within "the place". Click on the "Surname Index" button above to find your family member.
As noted, the following pages contain information from predominantly "text1" sources. However, a number of the people listed "text2" check our other regional sites at Venter Ancestors.
The information on these pages has been supplied by a number of researchers, who sometimes had to rely on secondary sources. Therefore, although we try to be as accurate as possible, all information contain herein should be regarded as 'unconfirmed' until it can be verified by any prospective user. We will be happy to pass on our sources upon request.
You will notice that we are missing a lot of critical information on many of those family members listed here. If you have additional information regarding anyone found on these pages, please contact us and help us build our knowledgebase of the family clan. Likewise, if you would like further information on anyone here, we will be happy to pass along anything we have.
All communications can be sent through our e-mail address at: venter.genealogy@comcast.net